Yay, 1st comment! For a 1st date, I've found that a coffee or froyo date is quite nice to just get to know each other. If I've known the gal for a while I think a trip to the coast is in good order. Of course, it does depend on the person. There doesn't have to be any "magic" spark there at first. I think relying on that to show up right away can sabotage a potential relationship. Really, if I'm friends with the person first (which I hope I am) and I'm really looking to what it'll turn into, I think it'll be a great date regardless of what we do. :)
Yay, 1st comment! For a 1st date, I've found that a coffee or froyo date is quite nice to just get to know each other. If I've known the gal for a while I think a trip to the coast is in good order. Of course, it does depend on the person. There doesn't have to be any "magic" spark there at first. I think relying on that to show up right away can sabotage a potential relationship. Really, if I'm friends with the person first (which I hope I am) and I'm really looking to what it'll turn into, I think it'll be a great date regardless of what we do. :)